(A) Teacher is the father of nation
(B) Teacher is worthy of being imitated by the students
(C) Teacher is helpful to students
(D) None of the above
Category: Pedagogy Mcqs
Pedagogy Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer, Headmaster and all other exams. Here users will find Pedagogy Mcqs which covers basic knowledge of pedagogy. It will cover basic knowledge of interaction between teachers and students, learning environment and learning tasks. Mcqs in this portion will help readers for the exams of headmaster, headmistress, SST, Educators and all other competitive exams.
Elementary school teachers work under the leadership of?
(C) DC
(D) Headmaster
What is meant by objective assessment?
(A) Form of questions which has a long answer
(B) Form of questions which has a 3-4 lines answer
(C) Form of questions which has a 1-2 lines answer
(D) Form of questions which has a only one correct answer
Among the following which is the scope of curriculum?
(A) Program of guidance
(B) Programme of activities
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Into how many subgroups effective domain is divided?
(A) 2 Subgroups
(B) 3 Subgroups
(C) 4 Subgroups
(D) 5 Subgroups
Audio visual presentation is which kind of demonstration?
(A) Valueful
(B) Actual
(C) Planned
(D) All of the above
Jean Piaget was a __ psychologist.
(A) German
(B) English
(C) Italian
(D) Swiss
Philosophy branch which deals with reasoning is?
(A) Ethics
(B) Epistimology
(C) Logic
(D) All of the above