(A) Attract students attraction
(B) Maintain Discipline
(C) To keep students busy
(D) None of the above
Category: Pedagogy Mcqs
Pedagogy Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer, Headmaster and all other exams. Here users will find Pedagogy Mcqs which covers basic knowledge of pedagogy. It will cover basic knowledge of interaction between teachers and students, learning environment and learning tasks. Mcqs in this portion will help readers for the exams of headmaster, headmistress, SST, Educators and all other competitive exams.
Teaching adult is called?
(A) Epistymology
(B) Pedagogy
(C) Andragogy
(D) None of the above
Subject centered design revolves around which of the following?
(A) Content
(B) Curriculum
(C) Syllabus
(D) Aims
In which year Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established a school in Ghazipur?
(A) 1854
(B) 1860
(C) 1863
(D) 1870
In Pakistan which body gives final approval of curriculum?
(A) Secretary Education
(B) Ministry of Education
(C) Prime Minister
(D) President of Pakistan
In which of the following country first of all inspection concept was started?
(B) England
(C) Afghanistan
(D) Italy
For deaf and shy students which tool of assessment did not work?
(A) Interview
(B) Written Test
(C) Observation
(D) Questionaire
“Children actively constructed their understanding of the world”, these are the lines of?
(A) Pavlov
(B) Alexander
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) Skinner