(A) Psychomotor
(B) Congnitive
(C) Affective domain
(D) All of the above
Category: Pedagogy Mcqs
Pedagogy Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer, Headmaster and all other exams. Here users will find Pedagogy Mcqs which covers basic knowledge of pedagogy. It will cover basic knowledge of interaction between teachers and students, learning environment and learning tasks. Mcqs in this portion will help readers for the exams of headmaster, headmistress, SST, Educators and all other competitive exams.
Among which of the following Syllabus is a part?
(A) Content
(B) Curriculum
(C) School
(D) All of the above
In which register the name of new student is entered?
(A) Attendence register
(B) Budget register
(C) Staff Attendence register
(D) Admission register
Reduce Verbalization and the Stimulate self creativity are the advantage of?
(A) Using books
(B) Using Audio Visual Aids
(C) Using helping book
(D) None of the above
Why Adam is superior over angles?
(A) Due to honesty
(B) Due to beauty
(C) Due to Education
(D) None of the above
When for the first new syllabus were introduced in the Pakistan?
(A) 1959
(B) 1961
(C) 1970
(D) 1972
What is the previous stage of childhood?
(A) Infancy
(B) Maturation
(C) Birth
(D) None of the above
An individual is enabled to find the solutions of problems during?
(A) Learning
(B) Administration
(C) Guidance
(D) None of the above