(A) the CS is always presented before the UCS
(B) certain response result from certain stimulus presentations
(C) action that are reward tend to the strengthened
(D) learning occurs when a stimulus is paired with a certain response
Category: Psychology Mcqs
Users will find here Psychology Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer Psychology and all other types of Psychological related Competitive Exams and Interviews.
The study of the hereditary transmission of attribution is__.
(A) heritable, biological traits
(B) mutation, differentiation
(C) adaptability, dominant and recessive traits
(D) genetics, genes
Perceptual constancy refers to__.
(A) perception of an object remaining the same when our immediate sensation of the object changes
(B) tendency to close up, incomplete objects into already existing perceptual shapes(
(C) perception of an object’s changing even though the object stays the same
(D) none of these
The three basic components of prejudice are effective __.
(A) real and imagined
(B) description and prescriptive
(C) internal and external
(D) cognitive and behavioral
Which of the following instances suggest psychotherapy would be of no use__.
(A) a person who completely lacks remorse for past doing
(B) a person whose life situation cannot be modified
(C) a person with an inability to form emotional attachment
(D) a person who is a close friend of the analyst
The kind of conflict experienced by a student who simultaneously wants to watch a late night movie on television and get a good night’s sleep is best described as?
(A) approach-avoidance
(B) approach-approach
(C) double approach-avoidance
(D) avoidance-avoidance
When were the Prix Orange, the Prix Citron, and the Prix Bourgeon presented?
(A) 1981
(B) 2007
(C) 2001
(D) 2010
A male born with an extra Y chromosome, XYY, shows some evidence of increased aggressiveness and typically scores lower than normal on intelligence tests__.
(A) super male syndrome
(B) Kinfefelter’s syndrome
(C) super male syndrome
(D) none of these