(A) fruedian
(B) ecological theory
(C) behavioral theory
(D) none of these
Category: Psychology Mcqs
Users will find here Psychology Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer Psychology and all other types of Psychological related Competitive Exams and Interviews.
Children begin to understand and use abstractions during which of the piaget stages of congnitive development?
(A) oral
(B) secondary stage
(C) state of formal operations
(D) preoperational
A child is creating new schemata to account for new information , piaget calls this process?
(A) operations
(B) accommodation
(C) functional autonomy
(D) assimilation
The subjetivist perspective in psychology?
(A) has been most pervasive
(B) is most like cognitive one
(C) all of these
(D) none of these
Relating overt behavior to electrical anc chemical events taking place inside the body is characteristic of which contemporary perspective?
(A) behavioral
(B) biological
(C) cognitive
(D) none of these
The center of Freud theory is the thoughts, attitudes, impulses , wished and motivations of which we are unaware:
(A) multivariate construct
(B) unconsciousness
(C) conditioning concept
(D) biological motivation proposition
Psychologists whoa re interests in the perception of motion, part-whole relationship and in how people judge size were identified with what shool of psychology?
(A) structural
(B) gestalt
(C) psychoanalytic
(D) none of these
S-R psychology is an approach associated with the perspective:
(A) behavioral
(B) cognitive
(C) psychoanalytic
(D) subjectivst