(A) Skeletal muscles
(B) Thalamus and hypothalamus
(C) Hormonal system
(D) All of the above
Category: Psychology Mcqs
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The “local” stimulus theory of hunger is associated with the name of:
(A) Cannon
(B) Beach
(C) Ingram
(D) Anderson
Sources of frustration include:
(A) Environmental lacks
(B) Environmental obstacles
(C) Incompatibles motives
(D) All of the above
McClelland’s method of measuring the achievement motive made use of:
(A) Self-ratings
(B) Fantasy
(C) Person’s estimates of level of aspiration
(D) Activity level
The concept of homeostasis most closely associated with the name:
(A) Richter
(B) Cannon
(C) Levin
(D) Warden
Deficiency motivation is to abundance motivation as:
(A) Desire is to need
(B) Innate is to learned
(C) Primary is to secondary
(D) Need is to desire
Coping behavior is:
(A) Often unconscious
(B) A form of habitual behavior
(C) Always goal-directed
(D) Usually carried out directly
The so-called primary emotion includes:
(A) Pain, fear, hate, love
(B) Shame, guilt, anger, grief
(C) Joy, fear, anger, grief
(D) All of the above