(A) Durkheim
(B) Reisman
(C) Tonnes
(D) Comte
Category: Sociology Mcqs
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When one part of the culture develops more rapidly than other parts, the following description is made:
(A) accommodation
(B) cultural lag
(C) cultural accumulation
(D) revolution
The pattern of pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and establish rules is known as its system of:
(A) social approval
(B) group
(C) public opinion
(D) social control
The population of the world is expected to double in:
(A) 25 years
(B) 35 years
(C) 45 years
(D) 65 years
One of the following is not a baisc institution:
(A) Education
(B) Family
(C) Religion
(D) War
Conflict is most likely to arise as a result of:
(A) prejudice
(B) clash of interests
(C) hatred
(D) radicalism
Human and animal societies differ in one characteristic:
(A) Shared beliefs.
(B) Population and common territory.
(C) Division of labour
(D) Persistence in time.
Primary relationships are characterised in one of the following ways:
(A) Display of goals.
(B) Major concern centres upon specific functions fulfilled.
(C) Involvement of the total self.
(D) Relationship itself is not regarded as important