(A) True
(B) False
(C) Depends on the language
(D) None of the given options
Category: Theory of Automata Mcqs
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S → aXb|bXa X → aX|bX|Λ The given CFG generates the language of strings in English __.
(A) Beginning and ending in different letters
(B) Beginning and ending in same letter
(C) Having even-even language
(D) Having even-even language
Let A = {0, 1}. The number of possible strings of length ‘n’ that can be formed by the elements of the set A is?
(A) n!
(B) n^2
(C) n^m
(D) 2^n
The language generated by __ is called Context Free Language (CFL).
(A) FA
(B) TG
Which statement is true?
(A) The tape of turing machine is infinite
(B) The tape of turing machine is finite
(C) The tape of turing machine is infinite when the language is regular
(D) The tape of turing machine is finite when the language is nonregular
Σ = ,a,b- Productions S→XaaX, X→Ax, X→bX, X→Λ. This grammar defines the language expressed by__.
(A) (a+b)*aa(a+b)*
(B) (a+b)*a(a+b)*a
(C) (a+b)*aa(a+b)*aa
(D) (a+b)*aba+b)*
FA corresponding to an NFA can be built by introducing a state corresponding to the combination of states, for a letter having Choices?
(A) no transition at certain state
(B) one transition at certain state
(C) more than one transitions at certain state
(D) none of the given options
The terminals are designated by __ letters, while the non-terminals are designated by __ letters.
(A) Capital, bold
(B) Small, capital
(C) Capital, small
(D) Small, bold