(A) Leg
(B) Foot
(C) Hand
(D) Head
Propane is the main component of?
(B) Oil
Brotophobia is the fear of?
(A) Darkness
(B) Hieght
(C) Thunder and Lightning
(D) Closed Spaces
Electricity transfer main purpose is to control?
(A) Power
(B) Units
(C) Frequency
(D) Voltages
Bird flu caused by which of the following virus?
(A) H1N1 Virus
(B) Polio Virus
(C) H5N4 Virus
(D) H5N1 Virus
Lowest adult male singing voice is called?
(A) Base
(B) Pitch
(C) Bass
(D) None of the above
Otto Hahn discovered?
(A) Hydrogen Bomb
(B) Atom Bomb
(C) Bicycle
(D) Vaccine
What is the escape velocity of a projectile from the earth?
(A) 11 km/s
(B) 11.1 km/s
(C) 11.2 km/s
(D) 12 km/s