Physics Quiz 6

A free Physics Quiz is provided here to assist our visitors measure their Basic Knowledge of Pedagogy. Individuals who are preparing to take any type of written test such as , MDCAT, Medical Entry Tests, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, BPSC, NTS, ISSB, Police Tests, Lecturer, Educators and Interviews etc can take this quiz to identify their weak areas and work on them. Questions included in this quiz are taken from the Physics Mcqs section of this website.

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Physics Quiz

Physics Quiz 6

⇒This is a free online test/quiz. You do not have to pay anything for this.
⇒Quiz contains only Multiple Choice Questions.
⇒Quiz passing percentage is 50%.
⇒You can restart the quiz again after the quiz is over every time.
⇒Good Luck!.

1 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

If the velocity of a body becomes double then its kinetic energy?

2 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

The work done will be zero when the angle between the force and the distance is?

3 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

The number of vectors that can be added by head to tail rule is?

4 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

Value of g increases with?

5 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is?

6 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

Newton’s first law of motion is valid only in the absence of?

7 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

False ceiling is done to?

8 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

___ is a vector quantity?

9 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

___ is a good radiator of heat.

10 / 10

Category: Physics Quiz

A force of 10 N is making an angle of 30 Degree with horizontal. Its horizontal components will be?

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The average score is 60%


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