Problems on Trains Online Test 2

Problems on Trains Online Test 2 for Practice of Intelligence Tests, Aptitude Exams, Forces Tests, Entry Tests, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, KPPSC, SPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, OTS, UTS and all other exams and Interviews.

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Quantitative Reasoning Tests

Problems on Trains Test 2

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  • Quiz contains only Multiple Choice Questions.
  • Quiz passing percentage is 50%.
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1 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A train 330 m long passes a man, running at 18 km/hr in the direction opposite to that of the train in 18 seconds. The speed of the train is?

2 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A train 135m long is moving at a speed of 12.5 km/h. It will cross a girl coming from the opposite direction at a speed of 1km/hr in.

3 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A passenger train 165 m long which is running at a speed of 30km/hr. In what time will it pass a man who is running at a speed of 3 km/hr in the opposite direction. In which the train is moving.

4 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A metro train 200 metres long takes 12 seconds to cross a man walking at 10 km/hr in a opposite to that of the train. Find the speed of the train?

5 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A goods train 110m long is running with the speed of 30 km/hr. In what time will it pass a boy who is running at 3.5 km/hr in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going.

6 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A boy sitting in a train which is travelling at 25 km/hr observes that a goods train travelling in opposite direction, takes 4.5 seconds to pass him. If the train is 140 m long, find its speed.

7 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A person runs opposite to that of Karachi train at a speed of 10km/hr. If the relative speed between train and the boy running in opposite direction is 25km/hr. What is the length of the train, if it takes 10 seconds to cross a boy, when is at rest?

8 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A mail train 220 m long is running with a sped of 120 km/hr. What is the time in which it will pass a man who starts from the engine running at the speed of 12km/hr in the direction opposite to that of the train.

9 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

The Quetta express of 400m runs at a speed of 124 km/hr and a person runs on the platform at a speed of 40km/hr in the direction opposite to that of the train. Find the time taken by the train to cross the running person?

10 / 10

Category: Quantitative Reasoning Tests

A passenger train 300m long is running with a speed of 136 km/hr. In what time will it pass a boy who is running at 6 km/hr in opposite direction in which the train is moving?

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