(A) Direct wages
(B) Prime cost
(C) Overhead
(D) None of the above
Tag: Accounting Questions
Replacement costs of labour turnover include the following except :
(A) Loss of output
(B) Cost of personnel administration
(C) Cost of tool and machine breakage
(D) Cost of scrap and defective work
Preventive costs of labour turnover include the following except :
(A) Cost of recruitment and training
(B) Medical services
(C) Welfare
(D) Welfare
Which of the following is not a cost implication of labour turnover :
(A) Training
(B) Recruiting
(C) Ageing labour force
(D) Damage of machine
Labour turnover can be measured by the following methods except :
(A) Attrition method
(B) Separation method
(C) Replacement method
(D) Flux method
The unavoidable causes of labour turnover include the following except :
(A) Personal betterment
(B) Dissatisfaction with the job
(C) Illness
(D) Retirement
Avoidable causes of labour turnover include the following except :
(A) Redundancy
(B) Low wages
(C) Bad working conditions
(D) Marriage
Fringe benefits are those for which efforts of the workers are not necessary and may include the following except :
(A) Holiday pay
(B) Attendance bonus
(C) Production bonus
(D) Employer‘s contribution to P.F.