(A) Sensors , Effectors
(B) Effectors , Sensors
(C) Perceptionor , Effectors
(D) Effectors , Perceptionor
Tag: Artificial Intelligence Mcqs Questions and Answers
Web Hunter design consists of__.
(A) Initialization
(B) Perception
(C) Action & Effect
(D) All of these
Which parameters should be defined for the Web Hunter__.
(A) Target & Starting point
(B) Search method
(C) Time Constraint
(D) All of these
For better web hunter search; we should use the search on __ basis.
(A) Syntactic
(B) Conceptual
(C) Semantic
(D) All of these
In theoretical computer science there are two main branches of problems:
(A) Tractable and Intractable
(B) Intractable and Induction
(C) Tractable and Induction
(D) None of the given
A database of rules is also called knowledge base:
(A) True
(B) False
(C) NA
(D) NA
In some cases, the rules provide definite actions such as move left or close door, in which case the rules are being used to represent __.
(A) Recommendations
(B) Directives
(C) Relations
(D) None of the given option
The rule that define how conflict resolution will be used, and how other aspects of the system itself run, are called:
(A) Meta rule
(B) Conflict resolution rule
(C) Forward chain rule
(D) None of the given option