(A) Proof
(B) Goal
(C) Plan
(D) None of the given
Tag: Artificial Intelligence Mcqs Questions and Answers
Conventional programming focuses on __ while ES programming focuses on __.
(A) Solution, Problem
(B) Problem, Solution
(C) Problem, Expert
(D) Solution, Expert
An expert system may replace the expert or assist the expert:
(A) True
(B) False
(C) NA
(D) NA
Another expert system named __ was developed by Digital Equipment Corporation, as a computer configuration assistant.
(C) Dendral
An __ is “A computer program designed to model the problem solving ability of a human expert.
(A) Expert system
(B) Intelligent System
(C) Echo System
(D) Energy System
Which of the following two components are closely coupled and each is Intrinsically tied to the other. i. Knowledge representation. ii. Reasoning. iii. Execution. iv. Planning:
(A) i & iii
(B) ii & iii
(C) iii & iv
(D) i & ii
In Basic Genetic Algorithm the term mutation refers to a small random __.
(A) Number
(B) Change
(C) Operator
(D) Operand
The paths found by best-first search are likely to be __ than those found with other methods.
(A) Shorter
(B) Longer
(C) Same
(D) None od the given