(A) Fortran
(C) Ada
(D) C
Tag: Basic Computer Knowledge
C++ is the superset of C language which is means that?
(A) C is more efficien than C++
(B) C++ is more efficient than C language
(C) The is no difference between these languages
(D) All of the above
Assebler, Compiler, and interpreters are called?
(A) Language variables
(B) Language Predecessors
(C) Language processors
(D) All of the above
What is the input for a compiler?
(A) Object code
(B) Source code
(C) Assembler
(D) Machine language
What is the output of a compiler?
(A) Source program
(B) Object code
(C) Interpreter
(D) All of the above
A translator that reads the instruction and translate it before going to the other instruction is called?
(A) Compiler
(B) Assembler
(C) Interpreter
(D) None of the above
Support for loop and branches provides which of the following language?
(A) Low Level language
(B) Structured programming
(C) Fortran
(D) None of the above
The selection of language for a program depends upon which of the following?
(A) Program Size
(B) Program requirements and specifications
(C) Compatibility
(D) None of the above