(C) Golgi
(D) All of the above
Tag: Botany mcqs
Opossum, kangroo and Tasmanian Wolf are the examples of?
(A) Eutheria
(B) Prototheria
(C) Metatheria
(D) None of the above
Which hormone is not secreted from human placenta?
(B) LH
(C) Lactogen
(D) Progesteron
Which of the following is highly developed in the class Aves of the animal kingdom?
(A) Medulla
(B) Cerebellum
(C) Cerebral Cortex
(D) Spinal Cord
Insufficient thyroxine in adults causes the disorder?
(A) Myxedema
(B) Cretinism
(C) Goiter
(D) None of the above
Which is involved in social behaviour, sexual reproduction and during birth
(A) Insulin
(B) Oxytocin
(C) Adrenaline
(D) None of the above
Terminal part of axon ends in?
(A) Dendrites of next neuron
(B) Postsynaptic neuron
(C) Synaptic cleft
(D) None of the above
Acute form of arthritis results from?
(A) Bacterial attack
(B) Fungal attack
(C) Viral attack
(D) Protozoa