(A) 1 Unit
(B) 2 Units
(C) 3 Units
(D) 4 Units
Tag: Computer General Knowledge
Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension of?
(B) WK1
(C) 123
(D) All of the above
Vector graphics is composed of?
(A) Pixels
(B) Paths
(C) Palette
(D) All of the above
GPS stands for?
(A) Grade positioning system
(B) Global positioning system
(C) Global post system
(D) None of the above
JPEG stands for?
(A) Joint Picture Electronic Group
(B) Joint Photo Electronic Group
(C) Joint Photographic Experts Group
(D) Joint Picture Expert Group
ICs are classified on the basis of?
(A) Type of computer
(B) Manufacturing company
(C) Number of transistors
(D) None of the above
Which memory must be refreshed many time per second?
(A) Dynamic RAM
(B) Static RAM
To display the contents of a folder in windows explorer?
(A) Collapse it
(B) Name it
(C) Click on it
(D) All are correct