(A) Hacking
(B) Theft
(C) Phishing
(D) None of the above
Tag: computer knowledge mcqs
Sending fraudulent emails to someone for getting information like user name and password of computer, credit or debit card information and get money is called?
(A) Hacking
(B) Phishing
(C) Fraud
(D) Cybercrime
In which year cybercrime act passed in Pakistan?
(A) 2013
(B) 2014
(C) 2015
(D) 2016
Cyber crime act in Pakistan called?
(A) Electronic crime act, 2016
(B) Cyber Crime act, 2016
(C) Prevention of Cyber Crime act, 2016
(D) Prevention of electronic crimes act, 2016
In which year first time word phishing is heard?
(A) 1990
(B) 1992
(C) 1996
(D) 2000
A phishing site is also called?
(A) Fraud site
(B) Spam site
(C) Spoofed site
(D) None of the above
How to protect website from hacking or phishing attack?
(A) Use Notepad++
(B) Buy security services from Hosting company
(C) Install SSL certificate
(D) None of the above
File Allocation Table(FAT) is displayed using which command?
(A) Fat
(B) Dir.
(C) Fil.
(D) None of the above