(A) 1953
(B) 1955
(C) 1960
(D) 1962
Tag: computer knowledge mcqs
Data which is written in EPROM can be erased using which type of rays?
(A) Alpha Rays
(B) Gamma Rays
(C) Beta Rays
(D) Ultraviolet Rays
A spreadsheet program don’t allow which of the following?
(A) Put mathematical formula
(B) Bold text
(C) Import Graph
(D) Edit an imange
Among following which program is used to Browse folder, files and disks?
(A) Explorer
(B) Spreadsheet
(C) MS Word
(D) MS Powerpoint
In microsoft windows which short cut key is used to rename the selected item?
(A) F1
(B) Window+Space
(C) F2
(D) F5
In computer field BMP is the short form of?
(A) Bitcoin
(B) Bitmap
(C) Bit
(D) All of the above
In MS excel which key is used to open the help menu?
(A) F1
(B) F2
(C) F3
(D) Ctrl+L
Ctrl+Z is used for which purpose in Ms Excel?
(A) Print document
(B) Redo Last Action
(C) Check Spelling
(D) Undo last action