(A) Voice
(B) Video
(C) Data
(D) All of above
Tag: Computer Network Mcqs
The maximum cable length of a LAN is __.
(A) Fixed
(B) Unlimited
(C) Fixed and Unlimited in different conditions
(D) None of these
Which of the following statement is true regarding Jitter?
(A) Jitter is used for variance in transmission delays
(B) Jitter can occur when a packet is delayed
(C) Jitter is significance for voice, video and data
(D) All of the above
What will be the bandwidth rate for 1000Base-T Gigabyte or ATM?
(A) 100 MHz
(B) 150 MHz
(C) 200 MHz
(D) 250 MHz
Which of the following statement is true regarding Distance-vector routing?
(A) It is very simple to implement
(B) Packet switch updates own routing table first
(C) It is used in RIP
(D) All of the above
To span long distance or many computers, networks must replace shared medium with __.
(A) Segment transformation
(B) Fiber optics
(C) Packet switches
(D) None of the above
How many methods exist for computing routing table?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
The fiber-modem converts data into __ then transmits cover the optional fiber.
(A) Pulses of light
(B) Electrons
(C) Electromagnetic signals
(D) None of these