(A) 300
(B) 240
(C) 250
(D) 275
Tag: Computer Network Mcqs
Pick the systems that can be used in both priority and non-priority modes:
(A) Token passing
(B) Regesters insurtion
(C) Carrer sence systems
(D) Both a and c
Which of the following are non-polling systems:
(B) Stop and wait
(C) xon/xoff
(D) Both a and c
In the carrier sence network if the prevailing condition is a “channel busy” then which of following is correct:
(A) If the technique used is non persistant then it results in randomised wait and sence
(B) If the technique used is non 1-persistant then the channel is continuosly senced
(C) If the technique used is non p-persistant then then randomised retransmission is done
(D) Both a and b
Pick the incorrect statements that pertain to error retransmission used in continuos ARQ method:
(A) Go back N method requires more storage at the receiving site
(B) Selective repeat involves complex login then GO-Back N
(C) GO-Back N has better utilization
(D) Both a and c
Pick the correct statement:
(A) A switched circuit is a dail up circuit may encounter blockage
(B) Non switched leased line supports higher data volume and quality then switched lines
(C) Non switched lines are expensive for high volume data
(D) Both a and b
Pick the incorrect statment:
(A) TDM is a primary/scondry non priority system
(B) Peer to peer protocol provides equal status at all sites on the channel
(C) priority, non priority types come under master/slave protocol
(D) Both a and c
Mancheste code is:
(A) Bi-polar code
(B) non return to zero code
(C) polar code
(D) both b and c