(A) Remote command line login
(B) Secure data communication
(C) Remote command execution
(D) All of the above
Tag: Computer Network Mcqs
Layer 2 switch is also called?
(A) Multiport switch
(B) Multiport hub
(C) Multiport bridge
(D) Multiport NIC
What is the uses of subnetting?
(A) It divides one large network into several smaller ones
(B) It divides network into network classes
(C) It speeds up the speed of network
(D) None of the above
What is the size of network bits and host bits of class A of IP address?
(A) Network bits 7, Host bits 24
(B) Network bits 8, Host bits 24
(C) Network bits 7, Host bits 23
(D) Network bits 8, Host bits 23
What do you mean by broadcasting in networking?
(A) It means addressing a packet to all machine
(B) It means addressing a packet to some machine
(C) It means addressing a packet to a particular machine
(D) None of the above
What is the size of host bits in class B of IP address?
(A) 04
(B) 08
(C) 16
(D) 32
What is state frame delimeter in ethernet frame?
(A) 10101010
(B) 10101011
(C) 00000000
(D) 11111111
Ethernet frame consists of?
(A) IP Address
(B) MAC Address
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above