(A) Star
(B) Ring
(C) Bus
(D) Peer to peer
Tag: Computer Network Mcqs
X.25 is?
(A) Protocol
(B) Scheme
(C) Layer
(D) Pocketing
Location of a resource on the internet is given by its?
(A) Email
(B) IP
(D) Protocol
Collection of hyperlinked document on the internet is called?
(B) Email
(C) Internet
Home page is in form of?
(A) Hypertext
(B) Text
(C) Hyperlink
(D) All of the above
TCP/IP model was developed __ the OSI model.
(A) after
(B) prior to
(C) simultaneous to
(D) with no link to
TCP/IP model does not have __ layer but OSI model have this layer.
(A) Network layer
(B) Session layer
(C) Application layer
(D) Transport layer
TCP/IP stands for?
(A) Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(B) Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(C) Telephone Call Protocol/International Protocol
(D) None of the above