(A) Initial address
(B) Base address
(C) First address
(D) Location address
Tag: Data Structures and Algorithms Mcq
The data structure required to check whether an expression contains balanced parenthesis is?
(A) Array
(B) Tree
(C) Queue
(D) Stack
A linked list can be?
(A) Single
(B) Double
(C) Circular
(D) All of the above
The list with no node is called?
(A) No list
(B) Zero list
(C) Empty list
(D) All of the above
Items in linked list are called?
(A) Information
(B) Element
(C) Data
(D) Node
Pushing an element into stack already having four elements and stack size of 4. Then stack becomes?
(A) Empty stack
(B) Empty collection
(C) Underflow
(D) Overflow
Stack is?
(A) Continuously Changing Object
(B) Dynamic Data Structure
(C) An Ordered Collection of Items
(D) All of the above
In a stack if a user tries to remove an element from empty stack it is called?
(A) Overflow
(B) Underflow
(C) Empty stack
(D) Empty collection