(A) Traversal
(B) Inserting
(C) Merging
(D) Sorting
Tag: Data Structures Mcqs
Which among following is an application of stack?
(A) Infix to Postfix
(B) Tower of Hanoi
(C) Finding factorial
(D) All of the above
Which form of access is used to add and remove nodes from a queue?
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Finding the location of a given item in a collection of atoms is called?
(A) Mining
(B) Searching
(C) Finding
(D) Discovering
If two trees have same structure and node content then they are called?
(A) Similar trees
(B) Equivalent trees
(C) Synonyms trees
(D) Joint trees
If two trees have same structure and but different node content then they are called?
(A) Joint trees
(B) Equivalent trees
(C) Synonyms trees
(D) Similar trees
Number of edges in a complete graph of n vertices is?
(A) n
(B) n(n-1)/2
(C) n(n+1)/2
(D) None of the above
Which data structure is more appropriate for implementing quick sort iteratively?
(A) Queue
(B) Priority queue
(C) Deque
(D) Stack