The relationship between STORE and EMPLOYEE is defaulted to mandatory, that is, the FK value in EMPLOYEE is required. How do you eliminate a record from STORE?

(A) Delete the employees from the STORE to be deleted
(B) Permanently remove the referential integrity enforcement
(C) Open the EMPLOYEE table in the design format; then change the Required property of the EMPLOYEE’s FK to No and make sure that its default value is set to null
(D) Delete all relationships between STORE and EMPLOYEE. Redesign the database to work without them

In Access, how do you tell if referential integrity is enforced for a relationship?

(A) The relationship lines are thick and dark, and the nature of the relationships is labeled
(B) The relationship lines are thin, and the nature of the relationships is labeled
(C) Right-click the relationship line to see if enforce referential integrity is checked
(D) Right-click the relationship line, select referential integrity, and look at the relationship’s properties

What is required to establish a 1:1 relationship between two tables that do not contain a supertype and subtype?

(A) :1 relationships are only possible if the tables contain a supertype and subtype
(B) Make sure that the PK in the related table has unique values
(C) Make sure that the FK in the related table has an index property that specifies unique values
(D) Nothing special is required

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