(A) 2,2
(B) 4,4
(C) 4,2
(D) 2,4
Tag: Digital Logic Design Mcqs
If two adjacent 1s are detected in the input, the output is set to high. input combinations will be?
(A) 0011
(B) 0101
(C) 1100
(D) 1010
How many data select lines are required for selecting eight inputs?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Which one of the following is not a valid rule of Boolean algebra?
(A) A + 1 = 1
(B) A = Ā
(C) A.A = A
(D) A + 0 = A
A standard SOP form has __ terms that have all the variables in the domain of the expression.
(A) And
(B) OR
(C) Sum
(D) Not
Three cascaded modulus-10 counters have an overall modulus of?
(A) 30
(B) 100
(C) 1000
(D) 0000
Divide-by-160 counter is acheived by using?
(A) Flip-Flop and DIV 10
(B) Flip-Flop and DIV 16
(C) DIV 16 and DIV 32
(D) DIV 16 and DIV 10
A flip-flop is presently in SET stae and must remain SET on the next cliock pulse. What must j and K be?
(A) J = 1, K = 0
(B) J = 1, K = X(Don’t care)
(C) J = X(Don’t care), K = 0
(D) J = 0, K = X(Don’t care)