(A) Low rate of interest
(B) Very Low rate of interest
(C) High rate of interest
(D) Very High rate of interest
Tag: Economics Mcq Questions and Answers
Which of the following is not an instrument of monetry policy:
(A) Taxation
(B) Bank rate
(C) Open market operations
(D) Credit rationing
“Bad money derives good money out of circulation” with whose name this law is associated:
(A) J M Keneys
(B) Thomas Gresham
(C) L E Mises
(D) R G Hartrawy
When the commodity value of money and its value of money are equal is called:
(A) Token money
(B) Full bodid money
(C) Quassi-money
(D) Fat-money
Which of the following is an example of quasi-money:
(A) Bills of exchange
(B) Cheque
(C) Bank notes
(D) Coins
Which of the following organizations was brought into existence by the treaty of Rome:
(A) Councel of mutual economic assistence
(B) Euorpeon free trade organization
(C) Euorpeon economic community
(D) Council of europ
Where are the headquarters of euorpeon economic commity:
(A) Paris
(B) Brussels
(C) Copenhegan
(D) London
When was the uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT launched:
(A) January 1986
(B) June 1986
(C) September 1986
(D) December 1986