(A) Concentration of power in government hand
(B) Bureaucratic set up
(C) Wrong calculation of cost
(D) All of the above
Tag: Economics Mcqs
Revealed preference theory was presented by?
(A) Adam Smith
(B) Samuelson
(C) Marshall
(D) Ricardo
J.R Hicks was?
(A) Keynesian economist
(B) Classical economist
(C) Neo-classical economist
(D) None of the above
HDI stands for?
(A) High Devoted Index
(B) High Development Index
(C) Human Development Index
(D) None of the above
The HDI is closely correlated with?
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of the above
In the process of growth domestic production replaces?
(A) Exports
(B) Savings
(C) Capital gains
(D) Imports
In case of perfect competition a firm is?
(A) Free to fire prices
(B) Independent
(C) Price taker
(D) None of the above
The first is at equilibrium where?
(A) Profit is minimum
(B) Profit is maximum
(C) Output is maximum
(D) Revenues are maximum