(A) J.B. Say
(B) Adam Smith
(C) David Recardo
(D) T.R. Malthus
Tag: Economics Mcqs
Which is the classification of industries on the basis of raw materials?
(A) Small scale-large scale
(B) Primary and secondary
(C) Basic and consumer
(D) Agro based and mineral based
Engel’s Law states the relationship between?
(A) Quantity demanded and the tastes of a consumer
(B) Quantity demanded and the price of a commodity
(C) Quantity demanded and price of substitutes
(D) Quantity demanded and income of the consumers
Who said “Supply creates its own demand”?
(A) J.M. Keynes
(B) J.B. Say
(C) J.S. Mill
(D) None of the above
Demand curve for a Giffen good is?
(A) Parallel to the price axis
(B) Parallel to the quantity axis
(C) Downward falling
(D) Upward rising
Foreign currency which has a tendency of quick migration is called?
(A) Hot currency
(B) Gold currency
(C) Scarce currency
(D) Soft currency
Which among following is a better measurement of Economic Development?
(A) Disposable income
(B) Per capita income
(D) None of the above
All of the goods which are scarce and limited in supply are called?
(A) Economic goods
(B) Capital goods
(C) Luxury goods
(D) Expensive goods