(A) Increase in Govt expenditures
(B) Reduce Govt expenditures
(C) Increase in interest rate
(D) Reduceing interest rate
Tag: Economics Mcqs
Every country establishes central bank to:
(A) Issue notes
(B) supervise commercial banks
(C) give loans to busenessmen
(D) both a and b
When a central bank wants to increase money supply in circulation it:
(A) Purchase Govt securities
(B) Lowers bank rate
(C) Directs banks to advance more loans
(D) A and B both
Central bank’s rate of lending to commercial banks is called:
(A) Interest rate
(B) Discount rate
(C) Money rate
(D) Control rate
When the state bank wants to decrease money supply in the country it:
(A) Buies Govt securities in stock market
(B) Sells Govt securities
(C) Lowers discount rate
(D) Both b and c
Which is the most widely used tool of monetary policy:
(A) Clearing house
(B) Open market operations
(C) Discount rate
(D) Issuing of notes
10-rupee note is issued by:
(A) National bank
(B) State bank
(C) Govt of Pakistan
(D) Governer of state bank
The state bank of Pakistan was established in:
(A) 1948
(B) 1950
(C) 1952
(D) 1954