(A) Planned consumption exceeds from planned savings
(B) Planned consumption exceeds from planned investment
(C) Intended investment equals intended savings
(D) Intended investment exceeds intended savings
Tag: Economics Mcqs
Capital output ratio of a commodity measures:
(A) Its per unit cost of production
(B) The amount of capital invested per unit of output
(C) The ratio of capital dapriciation to quantity of output
(D) The ratio of working capital employed to quantity of output
The asian development bank is located in:
(A) Kuala Lumpur
(B) Tokyo
(C) Bangkok
(D) Manila
Gross National Product is the sum of total of:
(A) The money value of all goods produces
(B) The money value of all finished goods and services
(C) Payments to factors of production for finished goods
(D) Market value of all goods minus the value of inventry
Electric lines of force about a negative point charge are:
(A) Circular, anticlockwise
(B) circular, clockwise
(C) Radial, inwards
(D) radial, outwards
The term dumping means which of the following:
(A) The sale of substandard commodity
(B) Sale in a foreign market of a commodity at a price below marginal cost
(C) Sale in a foreign market of a commodity at a marginal cost without too much of profit
(D) Smuggling of goods without paying custom duty
What is the meaning of stagflation:
(A) Fall in price due to less circulaton of currency
(B) Fall in employment due to declining production
(C) Gigh inflation rate combined with high unemployment and unchange consumer demand
(D) None of the above
A group of people who benefits from inflation is:
(A) Creditor
(B) Debtors
(C) Salried class
(D) Wage earners