(A) Purchase of a new car for the Ministry of Finance
(B) Funding of a clinic to provide free vaccinations.
(C) Free food coupons issued to persons in an anti-
poverty program.
(D) Funding of a new bridge in an urban area
Tag: Economics Mcqs
NDP does not include:
(A) Payments made for income taxes
(B) Depreciation allowances
(C) Undistributed profits
(D) The value added from intermediate goods
Macroeconomics is concerned with:
(A) The level of output of goods and services
(B) The general level of prices
(C) The growth of real output
(D) All of the above
Economic efficiency means:
(A Production of goods of mass consumption at lower
(B) Production of goods and services for those who
have purchasing power;
(C) Getting greatest satisfaction from available
resources ;
(D) Full employment of working force
Any point beyond PPF is:
(A) Attainable
(B) Unattainable
(C) Attainable with increase in production facilities
(D) None
The central problem of how to produce is resolved by:
(A) Demand and supply of factor inputs
(B) Demand and supply of goods;
(C) Relative prices and availability of factors of
(D) Government intervention
The famous book “An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of Nation” was written by:
(A) Adam Smith
(B) Samulson
(C) Robertson
(D) JB Say
The term “ Micro” is derived from the …….word which means……..?
(A) Latin, small
(B) Greek, small
(C) English, tiny
(D) Roman, small