What was the main theme Of Human Bondage?

(A) The submission to passion is human bondage.
(B) The submission to passion.
(C) Passion is the life.
(D) Passion is everything.

Who was more under the influence of Godwin’s philosophy of life?

(A) Percy Bysshe Shelley
(B) John Keats
(C) Charles Dickens
(D) Emily Dickinson

Paradise lost attempted to?

(A) Justify the ways of God to men
(B) Justify the ways of men to God
(C) Explain why good and evil are necessary
(D) All are correct

Identify the name of modern philosopher who awarded noble prize for literature?

(A) Bertrand Russel
(B) Dr. Kissinger
(C) James Baker
(D) None of the above

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