‘’Earth is the right place for love and I do not know where it is likely to go better.’’ These lines are from?

(A) Birches
(B) Fire and Ice
(C) The Road not Taken
(D) None of the above

Name the character of a novel of Thomas Hardy, which is much like Oedipus, King Lear and Faust?

(A) Tom Tulliver
(B) Aunt Pallet
(C) Tess
(D) Philip Waken

‘’The two remains , the many change and pass’’. This line occur in?

(A) Keats’ Ode to Psyche
(B) Shelley’s Adonai’s
(C) Keats ‘ Hyperion
(D) None of the above

‘’An ineffectual angel beating in the void his luminous wings in vain’’. Mathew Arnold said these lines about?

(A) Shelley
(B) Blake
(C) Keats
(D) Byron

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