Which work of William Wordsworth considered as his greatest autobiographical epic?

(A) Ode on a Gracian Urn
(B) Guilt and Sorrow
(C) The excursion
(D) The Prelude

Who speaks what language to whom and when, this idea is given by?

(A) Kachru, 1992
(B) Fishman, 1965
(C) Michael Halliday, 2003
(D) None of the above

He died at the age of 26 but not before leaving an impressive body of poems including ‘’To Autumn’’ and ‘’Ode an Melancholy’’?

(A) John Keats
(B) Mary Lambs
(C) John Gover
(D) P.B. Shelley

The eminent technique used by Virgina Woolf in ‘’To the Lighthouse’’ is?

(A) Willing suspension of disbelief
(B) Magical realism
(C) Stream of consciousness
(D) Dramatic monologue

Heart of darkness opens in what setting?

(A) The outer station
(B) The train station
(C) A boat on the Thames river
(D) A boat on the Congo river

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