(A) Nerve cells
(B) Liver cells
(C) Brain cells
(D) None of the above
Tag: Everyday Science Mcqs for PPSC
In which month of child milk teeth appears?
(A) 4th
(B) 5th
(C) 6th
(D) 7th
Which disease is respiratory in nature?
(A) Haemophillia
(B) Allergy
(C) Emphysema
(D) Insomnia
Nitrates are used in the production of __ in green plants.
(A) Fats
(B) Proteins
(C) Carbohydrates
(D) None of the above
Milky way galaxy shape is?
(A) Circular
(B) Triangular
(C) Spiral
(D) Elliptical
Meaning of virus is?
(A) Spray
(B) Not good for health
(C) Poison
(D) None of the above
From the following which is the disease of nervous system?
(A) Epidermy
(B) Epilepsy
(C) Scurvy
(D) All of the above
Why day and night changes?
(A) Due to earth rotation around its axis
(B) Due to earth rotation around the moon
(C) Due to revolution of earth
(D) All of the above