(A) Vitamin B1
(B) Vitamin C
(C) Vitamin A
(D) Vitamin E
Tag: Everyday Science Mcqs for PPSC
Antioxidant is the function of which of the following vitamin?
(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin E
(D) Vitamin K
Edward Jenner discovered which of the following?
(A) Vaccine
(B) Pencillin
(C) Insulin
(D) All of the above
Inflammation of joints is called what?
(A) Allergy
(B) Arthritis
(C) Parkinson
(D) None of the above
Human body contains how many number of chromosomes?
(A) 44
(B) 45
(C) 46
(D) 47
Who discovered pencillin?
(A) Alexander Fleming
(B) Ian Banting
(C) Louis Pasture
(D) None of the above
Who is famous for psychology analysis?
(A) Sigmund Freud
(B) Albert Einstein
(C) Ian Fleming
(D) None of the above
Who discovered vitamins?
(A) William Harvey
(B) Louis Pasture
(C) Alaxander Fleming
(D) Funk