(A) A Blood Group
(B) O Blood Group
(C) AB+ Blood Group
(D) None of the above
Tag: Everyday Science mcqs
Which type of blood is known as universal Receipt?
(A) Type A, B
(B) Type A
(C) Type B
(D) None of the above
Blood pressure is measured by which of the following instrument?
(A) Altimeter
(B) Sphygmomanometer
(C) Stethoscope
(D) Hypsometer
How soaps cleans clothes?
(A) It lowers surface tension of the solution
(B) It makes solution very hot
(C) Absorbs dirt from clothes
(D) None of the above
Why it is necessary to take rest after work?
(A) To get cold
(B) To neutralize poisons that is produced during work
(C) To relax to brain
(D) All of the above
“A metal but in liquid form” is the characteristics of?
(A) Water
(B) Oil
(C) Mercury
(D) None of the above
Who first of all did some experiments with gravity?
(A) Galileo
(B) Newton
(C) Einstein
(D) Michael Vonn
Whale is a?
(A) Shark
(B) Fish
(C) Mammal
(D) Bird