(A) level-order traversal
(B) in-order traversal
(C) pre-order traversal
(D) post-order traversal
Tag: Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms
We do sorting to __.
(A) keep elements in random positions
(B) keep the algorithm run in linear order
(C) keep the algorithm run in (log n) order
(D) keep elements in increasing or decreasing order
For the heap sort, access to nodes involves simple __ operations.
(A) arithmetic
(B) binary
(C) algebraic
(D) logarithmic
he sieve technique works in __ as follows.
(A) phases
(B) numbers
(C) integers
(D) routines
The reason for introducing Sieve Technique algorithm is that it illustrates a very important special case of?
(A) divide-and-conquer
(B) decrease and conquer
(C) greedy nature
(D) 2-dimension Maxima
The analysis of Selection algorithm shows the total running time is indeed __in n.
(A) arithmetic
(B) geometric
(C) linear
(D) orthogonal
How many elements do we eliminate in each time for the Analysis of Selection algorithm?
(A) n / 2 elements
(B) (n / 2) + n elements
(C) n / 4 elements
(D) n elements