(A) Blind
(B) Deaf
(C) Dumb
(D) All of the above
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
Shikwa and Jawab-e shikwa are poems of Allama Iqbal in his book?
(A) Bang-e Dara
(B) Bal-e Jibraiel
(C) Payam-e Mashriq
(D) Zarb-e Kaleem
Diamond is the__ form of.
(A) Crystaline
(B) Amorphous
(C) Chemical
(D) Alkaline
The major constuent of air is?
(A) Nitrogen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Oxygen
(D) Carbon dioxide
Who was the president of USA during first world war?
(A) Woodrow Wilson
(B) Roosevelt
(C) J.F Canady
(D) Nixon
78th best pictures Oscar award was given to the film?
(A) Munitch
(B) Capote
(C) Crash
(D) None of these
UNO has decleared the decade 2004-2014 as the decade of?
(A) Protection of environment
(B) Eradication of Poverty
(C) Eradication of Terrorism
(D) Education decade
Word “Tsunami” belongs to which language?
(A) Japanese
(B) Urdu
(C) English
(D) Greek