(A) Increase or decrease AC voltage
(B) Increase DC voltage
(C) Convert DC into AC
(D) None of these
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
Monarchy still exists in?
(A) Sweden
(B) Thailand
(C) Japan
(D) None of these
The frozen continent around the South Pole is?
(A) Greenland
(B) Iceland
(C) Antarctica
(D) None of these
Who invented the paper?
The wonder of the world “Taj Mahal” is situated in the Indian state of?
(A) Uttar Perdaish
(B) Humachal Perdaish
(C) Madhya Perdaish
(D) Maharashtra
Which of the following is considerd the world’s oldest city?
(A) Damascus
(B) Baghdad
(C) Jericho
(D) Cairo
Violating international law Israel has constructed the concrete wall to devide the Palestinian in?
(A) Gaza
(B) West Bank
(C) Easter Jeuroselm
(D) Golan Heights
Pneumonia is a disease of?
(A) Lungs
(B) Liver
(C) Kidny
(D) Heart