(A) 1945
(B) 1947
(C) 1949
(D) 1951
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
The treaty of versailles setteled peace in?
(A) Asia
(B) Middle East
(C) Euorp
(D) None of these
The normal term of office for which the presedent of international court of justice are elected is?
(A) 3 years
(B) 5 years
(C) 7 years
(D) 9 years
The main object of which of the following UN agencies is to help the underdeveloped countries in the task of arising their living standards?
The commonwealth of independent States was established in?
(A) 1989
(B) 1990
(C) 1991
(D) 1992
The International Atomic Energy Agency was created under the aegis of the UN is?
(A) 1945
(B) 1946
(C) 1955
(D) 1957
Arab League was established on 22nd March__.
(A) 1944
(B) 1945
(C) 1946
(D) 1947
The headquarter of the Warsaw Treaty Organization were at?
(A) Berlin
(B) Parague
(C) Moscow
(D) Warsaw