(A) London
(B) New York
(C) San Fransico
(D) Tehran
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
German reunification occured in?
(A) 1989
(B) 1990
(C) 1991
(D) 1992
Presently known as the Euorpeon Union the EEC was established in?
(A) 1957
(B) 1958
(C) 1959
(D) 1960
Of the various agencies related to the United Nations the one that has been existance for the longest period is?
(A) International Labour Organization
(B) Universal Postal Union
(C) World Health Organization
(D) World Materialogical Organization
Of the UN agencies which one spacifically aims at further economic development by encouraging productive private enterprise?
(A) United Nations Industrial Development Organizations
(B) International Finance Corporation
(C) International Monetry Fund
(D) World Bank
India became a member of the United Nations in?
(A) 1945
(B) 1947
(C) 1959
(D) 1960
In which year a resolution uniting for peace was adopted by UN General Assembly?
(A) 1950
(B) 1960
(C) 1965
(D) 1980
In which of following years the membership of Secrtry Council was increased from 11 to 15(under artical 3)?
(A) 1960
(B) 1965
(C) 1972
(D) 1975