(A) Dumbarten Oaks
(B) London
(C) San Fransico
(D) Yalta
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
In 1943 Franklin D Roosvelt Winston Churchil and Josef Stalin met at Tehran Primarly?
(A) To discuss the stratgy to be adopted by the Allice to invade Germany
(B) To consider a common plan of action by the Allice Forces against the axis powers
(C) For creating an effective instrument for maintaining international place
(D) To work out a common line of action against Japan
How is the new membership of the United Nations effected?
(A) The admission of any state as member will be effected by the decision of Secrtry Council on the recomendation of General Assembly
(B) The admission of any state as member will be effected by the decision of General Assembly on the recomendation of Secrtry Council
(C) The admission of any state as member will be effected by the decision of the recomendation of General Assembly and Secrtry Council
(D) The admission of any state as member will be effected by the decision of new membership council followed by the voting of General Assembly
From the following choose the set in which names correct chronological order?
(A) U Thant Kurt Waldhem Dag
(B) Trygav Lie Dag Hamarskjold U Thant
(C) Trygav Lie U Thant Dag Hamarskjold Kurt Waldhem
(D) U Thant Dag Hamarskjold Trygav Lie Kurt Waldhem
Eriteria, which became the 182 member of UN in 1993 is in the continent of?
(A) Asia
(B) Africa
(C) Europe
(D) Eritra
East Timor, which became the 191 member of the UN in the continent of?
(A) Asia
(B) Africa
(C) Europe
(D) South Amerca
All of the following organizations have their headquarters at Washington D.C except?
(A) Internationl Bank for Reconstruction and Redevelopment
(B) Internationl Monetry Fund
(C) United Nations Childern’s Fund
(D) Internationl Finance Corporation
All of the following organizations have their headquarters at Geneva except?
(A) Food and Agriculture organizations
(B) International Labour organization
(C) World health organization
(D) World trade organizations