(A) Geneva
(B) Paris
(C) Washington
(D) Rome
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
Mention the total number of Articals Charter of UNO?
(A) 109
(B) 110
(C) 111
(D) 112
Where is the Headquarter of the Euorpeon Economic Community?
(A) Bonn
(B) Rome
(C) Brussels
(D) Hague
The Heads of Governments of countries which are members of the commonwealth meet?
(A) Once a year
(B) Biennauly
(C) Twice a year
(D) No fixed schadule
Which day is observed as commonwealth day by member countries?
(A) May 24
(B) October 24
(C) November 14
(D) January 25
The UN agency set up to improver standard of education and strengthen international cooperation in this share is called?
(D) None of these
Which country joined the UNO in 1993 at its 184th member?
(A) Monoco
(B) Andorra
(C) Macedonia
(D) Eritera
How many nations signed the UN charter when the organization was established?
(A) 25
(B) 33
(C) 31
(D) 50