(A) 1946
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) Sep 1947
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
Which of the following international organizations is concerned with the welfare of children throughout the world?
Which of the following international organizations is dedicated to the cause of wild life conservation?
The Secrtry General of UNO died in air crash?
(A) Trygave lie
(B) Dag Hammarskjold
(C) U. Thaunt
(D) Kofin Anan
Which penisula lies between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azove?
Kofi Anan was appointed as the Sectery General of UNO in the year?
(A) 2000
(B) 1999
(C) 1998
(D) 1997
The headquarter of FAO is located in?
(A) New York
(B) Washington
(C) Rome
(D) France
Which of the following is not necessary qualification for a state to become a member of the UNO?
(A) It should be a soverign state
(B) It should be a peace loving state
(C) It should be willing to discharge responsibilities under the UNO Charter
(D) It should guarantee human rights and freedom to its citizens