(A) Plastic
(B) Of Amorphos material
(C) A vacume
(D) Metallic
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
A landlocked country in Africa is?
(A) Nigeria
(B) Somalia
(C) Zambia
(D) Tanzania
__is the first plane which fly without pilot made by Pakistan in 2008.
(A) Shahbaz
(B) Uqab
(C) Sohrab
(D) None of these
Name the first lady speaker of National Assembly of Pakistan?
(A) Dr. Fehmida Mirza
(B) Khush Bakhat Sujjat
(C) Farzana Raja
(D) Maleeha Lodhi
Who is known as Indian’s Nepolean?
(A) Samudragupta
(B) Chandragupta I
(C) Chandragupta II
(D) None of these
Who invented magnifiying glass and gun power?
(A) Roger Bacon
(B) Rudolf Diesiel
(C) Sigmand Frewed
(D) Robert Boyal
Who emerged as a great leader after Russian Revolution?
(A) Karl Marx
(B) Viladimir Lanin
(C) Robbespiere
(D) None of these
Pathagorous was first to__the universal validity of geomatrical theorem.
(A) Give
(B) Prove
(C) Both A and B
(D) None of these