(A) Vascode Gama
(B) Columbus
(C) Magellan
(D) Hopkins
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
Who among the following is known as “Fuethrer”?
(A) Stalin
(B) Lenin
(C) Hitler
(D) Bismarck
Who advocated the theory of Laissez Faire?
(A) Marshal
(B) Malthus
(C) Adam Smith
(D) None of these
Who is the author of “India Devided”?
(A) Jawahirlal Nehru
(B) Rajindra Prashad
(C) Mualana Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) Huyamun Kabir
The author of “Shahnama” and “Akbarnama” are?
(A) Firdusi and Abdul Fazal
(B) Abdul Fazal and Firdusi
(C) Abdul Fazal and Sheikh Syed
(D) None of these
The oldest book was?
(A) Mahabharta
(B) Rig Veda
(C) Atharvaveda
(D) Upanishads
Who is the author of Anand Math?
(A) Iqbal
(B) Bankim chandra Chattergee
(C) Tara Shanker Randeopathey
(D) None of these
Who wrote “A passage to India”?
(A) E.M Forster
(B) Jawahir Lal Nehru
(C) Keats
(D) None of these