(A) Vacume
(B) Hydrogen Gas
(C) Water
(D) Steel
Tag: General Knowledge Mcqs with Answers
Harare is a capital city of__.
(A) Zambia
(B) Nepal
(C) Zimbabwae
(D) Turkey
Sound travel at maximum speed in?
(A) Vacume
(B) Air
(C) Water
(D) Steel
The loudness of a sound wave is determind by its?
(A) Amplitude
(B) Frequency
(C) Wavelength
(D) Speed
Aristotal was?
(A) Greek ethical thinker
(B) Greek mataphysical and political thinker
(C) Greek philospher
(D) All are correct
Mushtaq Yousfi is famous for?
(A) Comedy
(B) Drama Writing
(C) Poetry
(D) None of these
The pitch (or shrillness) of a sound to determind by its?
(A) Speed
(B) Amplitude
(C) Frequancy
(D) Loudness
Food is cooked faster in a pressure cooker because?
(A) Heat can not escape from the cooker
(B) Steam is hotter then the boiling water
(C) Due to high pressure the boiling water is raised
(D) In the cooker water starts boiling at a lower temprature